Embracing the Power of Quitting: Trusting Your Intuition for Growth

Sam Jayne Burden
3 min readAug 2, 2023
Photo by energepic.com

The idea of quitting is often associated with failure and defeat in society, but in reality, it can be an act of bravery and self-discovery. Choosing to quit something that no longer serves us is a powerful decision that allows us to embrace growth and transformation. By trusting our intuition and daring to step into uncertainty, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences that can lead to a more fulfilling life.

The courage to quit

Quitting requires courage. It means acknowledging that our priorities and circumstances change, and that it’s okay to let go of what no longer aligns with our true selves. As I found out recently with what I thought was the career path in design wasn’t actually for me, but part of a wider interest and skill set. Therefore, quitting is not synonymous with failure; it is a choice to honour ourselves and seek a path that better suits our needs and aspirations.

The wisdom of intuition

Our intuition is a powerful compass that guides us towards what feels right. By learning to trust our inner voice, we gain clarity in our decision-making and align ourselves with our authentic desires and values. Listening to our intuition can lead us to make choices that resonate deeply with who we are.

Embracing uncertainty

Growth rarely happens in moments of complacency, believe me! Embracing uncertainty and stepping out of our comfort zones are essential for personal development. It takes some risk taking and following the less path followed can bring you to your destination. Quitting something that no longer serves us creates space for new opportunities and challenges that push us to evolve and learn.

Learning from adversity

Quitting can involve facing adversity and fear of the unknown. However, challenges can be profound teachers, helping us develop resilience and a deeper understanding of ourselves. Adversity is an opportunity for growth, not something to shy away from. The only thing worse if in a bad situation not to quit is to not take any action at all.

Realigning with your true path

Quitting allows us to reassess our values and priorities and realign ourselves with our true path. It opens doors to new passions and opportunities that we may have overlooked before. Sometimes there is so much noise and expectations of how you should develop within your career or how you should live your life, it's harder to define what is the right path and being able to quit this mindset can be a powerful act of self-realisation and empowerment.

Overcoming societal expectations

Society often imposes expectations on us, making us feel guilty or ashamed for quitting something. You see on social media that “Quiting is bad-don’t give up!” slogans plastered across feeds. However, this mantra is ironically toxic and quiting a situation that no longer serves you or is doing you harm is far more important than expectations. It’s essential to remember that our lives are our own, and we may pursue what brings us joy and fulfilment. Embracing the power of quitting requires us to overcome external judgments and trust our inner compass.

Embracing the power of quitting is an act of courage and self-discovery. It frees us from the constraints of societal expectations and opens us up to new possibilities. By daring to trust our intuition and step into the unknown, we create space for growth and transformation. The journey of self-discovery is ongoing, and each choice to embrace our true selves brings us closer to living a more authentic and fulfilling life. So, let us be bold and fearlessly embrace the power of quitting, for it is through this process that we unlock our true potential and find the path that resonates with our hearts.



Sam Jayne Burden

On a Journey of Self-Discovery Through UX Design, Personal Growth, and Sustainable Travel